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Championing Open Access to Education During COVIT-19
Helping every student to reach greater hights
SOIEP is a project that seeks to utilize the abundance of bandwidth and connectivity to SADC (Southern African Development Community) region and Africa as a whole to advance education for every young person especially the ones ready to sit for their examinations and university final years. The project seeks to create a platform that takes all young people to the same level of educational resources. The project is a system that is open source and allows not only the learners and teachers only to share resources and ideas. It allows institutions of learning to interact and share notes and resources among st themselves. As we embrace Education 5.0, such a platform will help bring like minded people that will develop even better solutions through collaboration that is open. Mentor ship is vast as the platform allows Universities as well as research centers to participate and share tutorials on the same.
SOIEP is a project that seeks to utilize the abundance of bandwidth and connectivity to SADC (Southern African Development Community) region and Africa as a whole to advance education for every young person especially the ones ready to sit for their examinations and university final years. The project seeks to create a platform that takes all young people to the same level of educational resources. The project is a system that is open source and allows not only the learners and teachers only to share resources and ideas. It allows institutions of learning to interact and share notes and resources among st themselves. As we embrace Education 5.0, such a platform will help bring like minded people that will develop even better solutions through collaboration that is open. Mentor ship is vast as the platform allows Universities as well as research centers to participate and share tutorials on the same.